Notice of the BABCP 2023 Annual General Meeting

Notice of the BABCP 2023 Annual General Meeting

The BABCP 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place at 5.30pm on Wednesday 12 July 2023, and will be held online and in person at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, North Road, Cardiff, CF10 3ER.

An email will follow in due course from UK Engage, a leading independent voting services provider. This will include full information about how to take part, as well as information on voting for resolutions put to the meeting. In the meantime, please read the following information.


If you have a proposed resolution to be voted on at the AGM, please complete an online submission by no later than 9am, Monday 26 June. Any resolution must have a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be BABCP members.

Questions to the AGM

If you cannot attend the AGM, and have a question to raise, please email by no later than 9am Wednesday 12 July.

Attending the AGM – online only

Online attendance will require you to register in advance of the meeting. You will be able to do so by following the instructions in the email from UK Engage which will be sent to you shortly.

Attending the AGM – in person

Members who are attending our Annual Conference at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama may attend the AGM in person. However, you must still register online in advance of the meeting using the email which will be sent by UK Engage as referred to above. This will allow you access to vote online during the meeting.

Important – members who attend the meeting in person must bring a device (mobile/tablet/laptop) that allows internet connection in order to cast their votes during the meeting itself.


All voting for the AGM will be held online only.

If you wish to cast a vote in advance of the AGM, you can do so via a link which will be included in the email to be sent by UK Engage. Advance voting will be open until 11 July.

Voting will reopen at 5.30pm on Wednesday 12 July at the start of the AGM. The chair will provide clear voting instructions during the AGM, and the results will be announced before the end of the meeting.

Annual Report

Full information on resolutions and supporting information will be provided in our 2023 Annual Report, which will be available via the online voting link which will be sent by UK Engage. It will also be available at


Please address apologies for non-attendance to in advance of the meeting so these can be recorded.